I’ve been toying around with the idea of writing a political (!) piece for a while now, and I guess the time has come. Why now? Mostly because I have nothing else to write about at the moment, and also because I was greatly amused by two articles I have just read. First article is about Iranian leader claiming Holocaust was a hoax. Wow. You don’t have to be super smart to know that statements like that will not go down well. Now I wasn’t around to witness first hand whether there was Holocaust or not, but then again, neither was he. Between the two of us, HE is the one to claim there wasn’t any such thing. Woo hoo, by definition that makes me WAY smarter than Iranian leader! Duh... Second article is an interview out of Marie Claire (thanks H for bringing the glossies to the poor hospitalised cat… I finally got round to reading them all!). The interview in question is with a British Muslim girl (forgive me for not including her name here, you can find the whole piece in UK edition of MC, October 2005) who claims quite adamantly that Quran was used as … wait, let me go get it so I could write the exact words… OK here goes: “It’s just ignorant to assume that the Quran cannot be used to justify terrorism, because it can and it has been”. And more: “I heard quite a lot of Muslims saying that the [terrorist] attacks had nothing to do with Islam, but that’s just not true. They have everything to do with Islam, because the people who carried it out did it in the name of Islam”. Now here is another shining example of an outspoken person with an opinion. Just please don’t ask me what I think about it, I am merely describing something that caught my attention.
So back to my political post. As I live in the Middle East I will concentrate my observations on Qatar and its next door neighbours… Enjoy!
Examples of the political systems:
SOCIALISM: You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbour.
You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and gives you some milk.
NAZISM: You have 2 cows. The Government takes both and shoots you.
CAPITALISM: You have 2 cows. You sell one, invest the money in the top notch milking equipment for the other, and spend most of the profit on tax to keep all the immigrants fed.
How it works in the Middle East:
You have two cows. You create a website for them and advertise them in all magazines. You create a Cow City or Milk Town for them. You sell off their milk before the cows have even been milked to both legitimate and shady investors who hope to sell the non-existent milk for a 100% profit in two years time. You bring Tiger Woods to milk the cows first to attract attention.
You have two cows. They've been sitting there for decades and no one realizes that cows can produce milk. You see what Dubai is doing; you go crazy and start milking the heck out of the cows’ boobs in the shortest time possible. Then you realize no one wanted the milk in the first place.
BAHRAIN SYSTEM: You have two cows. Some high government official steals one, milks it, sells the milk and pockets the profit. The government tells you there is just one cow and not enough milk for the people. The people riot and scream death to the government and carry Iranian flags. The Parliament, after thinking for 11 months, decides to employ ten Bahrainis to milk the cow at the same time to cut back on unemployment.
Since milking the cow involves nipples the government decides to ban all cows in public. The only method to milk a cow is to have a cow on one side of the curtain and the guy milking the cow on the other. =^..^=
Goooood One QC.That had me rolling.Good Weekend Laugh Mate!!
YAY Me First!!