To someone who did a half-assed job of wishing me Merry Xmas a week in advance, since "they will be out of the country" and didn't bother to wish me Merry Xmas on the actual day of Xmas although they never travelled anywhere:
It's not like sending a freaking Merry Xmas sms is any harder to do from another country, no? That is, IF you even left your own, which you didn't! It's not like Xmas day is fluctuating according to Lunar calendar, so that unless you're in a Christian country you can't ever be sure when it happens, if you have no internet access? And anyways, you know, you don't really HAVE to wish me anything at all. Really. Ever.
So here is all the Happy New Years, Happy Eids, Happy Xmas, Happy Birthdays, Happy Promotions and other Happy Whatevers to you for the rest of your life in advance, just in case you know, I might be OUT OF THE FREAKING COUNTRY when these events take place!
Ta da.
Uh oh I am so happy it wasnt me! Kitty is a tigress when she's mad like that. Whoever it is I suggest you make amends with Kitty, fast!