I am a man's girl. Never liked pretty boys. The likes of Pitt, Cruise, Farrell et al do nothing for me. One exception is Johnny Depp, sometimes he catches my eye. Sometimes. Not enough to be featured here, I am afraid. I would choose Bardem over Bloom and Alan Rickman over DiCaprio anyday. I don't go for puppy eyes (a la Nicholas Cage, Jake Gyllenhaal or Adrien Brody) and if a guy is too polished, he simply makes me laugh (cough cough McConaughey cough). Here are the men that I find extremely sexy.
Antonio Banderas - presses all the right buttons. Plays guitar, sings very well, excellent horseback rider and habla Español. Knickers in a twist. Saw him first in "Desperado", but love him more in "Original Sin". Gerard Butler - the accent does it. The horrible movie "The Timeline" was bearable because of him. And of course, who can forget the leather and the red cape? LOL Still, he rocks my socks off.
Sean Connery needs no introduction. He keeps getting better! And he stars in one of my fave films, "The Name of the Rose". Kevin Costner - "Rumor Has It" rings the bell - he is definitely up to the task of seducing 3 generations of women!
James Denton - sexy plumber from Wysteria Lane. I would have him fix my plumbing ;-) Djimon Hounsou - be it "Four Feathers", "Gladiator" or "Blood Diamond" - he is just gorgeous.
Ralph Fiennes - my fave of them all. Laszlo de Almasy and Heathcliff. Enough said. Gabriel Byrne - the ultimate goodie ("Man in the Iron Mask") or baddie ("Vanity Fair") - just too darn handsome.
Hugh Jackman. Love me some Wolverine! Or old school class in "Kate & Leopold"- that always wins me over. James Purefoy - absolute raw masculinity with everything it stands for - good and bad. First saw him in "Knight Tale" and fell in love. Then fell in love with him again in "Rome". Medieval and ancient gear suits him well. Drool!
Who's your favorite Desperate Housewife:)?