Who am I?
Realistically idealistic daydreamer, seasoned procrastinator, atheist and monarchist with a secret agenda and a slight inclination towards voodoo practices.
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  • I Read
    24 June 2007
    Settled in, now what?
    OK so I have sorted out the house and figured conventient routes to get around. Now I need to find a job. How do people look for jobs in the UAE anyway?? Is it just the Appointments section of Gulf Times? I have seen a multitude of recruitment companies' ads - are these any good? Anybody had some luck with the online ones?

    It's too hot to put too much effort into this right now...

    posted by Bravecat @ 12:36 pm   11 comments
    18 June 2007
    Are you still visiting my blog??
    Yes I know it took me........ 2 months!!! I was having a blast at home. Now I am back in Dubai and since I am temporarily unemployed, I'll be around much more often. That is, when I'm done with a 2 months' worth of laundry, cleaning and gardening! LOL

    PS. They have Gavi di Gavi here! There was none of it in Qatar, and not even in Cyprus. I am a very happy Cat. And if the person who introduced me to GDG is still visiting my blog (I have a feeling that you are!) - I hope I managed to put a smile on your face.

    posted by Bravecat @ 8:55 am   15 comments
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    Name: Bravecat
    Home: Island of Love, Cyprus
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